
GPD UK recognises, and has long implemented, best practice Care and Maintenance procedures for its Hydraulic Inventory

Hydraulic components are expensive and it is thus vitally important to store every spare part or component correctly to prevent deterioration which can occur quickly under the wrong conditions.

Here is a list of critical care items:

  • Parts and components to be Indoors in clean and dry environments
  • All open metal parts to be protected by smearing on grease and. The drive shafts on pumps and motors to be wrapped in oil-based tape.
  • The Port connections on components to be plugged with steel plugs or blanking plates.
  • Components o be filled with clean hydraulic oil. This is done by putting oil into the drain ports, particularly for expensive, high pressure pumps and motors.

The professional way to take care of a Hydraulic System

The list below contains vital procedures that should be followed when managing hydraulic systems. These will ensure that your expensive pumps and motors will perform perfectly through a long life.

Carrying out these maintenance procedures diligently will prevent untimely, costly breakdowns.

Here is a checklist of procedures to be followed:

  • Check the fluid levels in your systems regularly, and make sure that you do not mix different hydraulic oils in the machine. Stick to the same brand and viscosity grade specified for the machine.
  • Regularly inspect the breather caps, breather filters and the fill screens of your system.
  • Check the filter indicators and replace immediately if there are signs of wear.
  • Do regular visual inspections of the system’s hoses and pipe connections for leaks. You are likely to be aware that Hydraulic leaks are a common problem and can pose environmental and safety hazards as well.
  • Always check system temperatures by using built-in thermometers or hand held infrared detectors.
  • It is important to perform visual inspections of the inside of the reservoir to check for signs of aeration. Aeration is a condition where discrete bubbles are carried in the oil and then enter the pump. Generally, a clear sign of this will be foaming of the oil.
  • Listen to the pump for signs of cavitation. A cavitating pump will produce a high-pitched sound.
  • Inspect a small sample of the fluid. Check that the colour is correct, check that the odour smells right and check for debris.
  • Scan any electrically controlled servo valves with an infrared thermometer. High valve and solenoid temperatures (over 65, 5°C) usually indicate that the valve is sticking or fluid is bypassing it.
  • Finally, check the electric drive motor with an infrared thermometer. Any such temperatures out of range are a sign that the machine needs to be serviced immediately.
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